Why Kiddie-preneur?

Many Parents teach their kids to study hard, so that they get into a good college and then land a good job with a reputed company. For generations parents have just followed in the footsteps of their ancestors some never even had an opportunity to chase their dreams but now I want to change the old adage and encourage children to make their dreams come true not when they grow up but right now while they are young!

Kiddie-preneur is here to do just that, help children reach for their dreams with the right skill-sets and mind-set. Entrepreneurship isn’t only about making money and creating companies it’s about solving problems, helping the world and giving wings to their idea. Kiddie-preneur will help your child with all this and much more giving them a holistic approach to learning and understanding the world through the eyes of an entrepreneur

1.Introduction to Entrepreneurship - Kids can earn too/kids can do business too

2.Employer v/s Employee - Difference between a job and a business

3.Financial Literacy - Introduce concepts of costing, P&L, pricing

4.Business Idea – Think of a cool business idea.

5.Pitch the Idea – Present the idea along with the profit margin/income