Teenage or Adolescents is a transitional stage of physical, emotional and psychological development. A teen's life is a roller coaster of ups and downs. One minute a teen seems interested in a new subject in school or type of music, only to completely shift gears the next. They are constantly exposed to new ideas, social situations and stress
Why SMART Teens?
As teenagers work to develop their personalities and interests during this time of great change it’s important to give them the support, understanding and patience needed to evolve into responsible adults. While parents do their best they still seek guidance from experts who can help their teens make this transition better while they develop their personalities and interests during this time of great change.
SMART Teens is a program aimed to help teens understand themselves and grow confidently to Adulthood by overcoming their issues, accepting their responsibilities, understanding their parents, friends, relationships and society in a better manner and become a well rounded young adult who will take responsibility of their actions to project an appropriate image as the future of tomorrow’s world
Workshop Topics
Influence of Friends & Peers
Internet and Social media -The Good, Bad & Ugly
Influence of Clothes, Grooming & Personal Hygiene
Etiquette & Mannerisms
Ways to add value in actions
Goal Setting